Essential Commands

As a developer and occasional-system administrator, I often setup up new servers or configure development environments. Over time, I’ve compiled a list of essential commands that I frequently use. This post serves as a quick reference guide for myself and potentially other developers who might find these commands useful. In this collection, you’ll find commands for updating and installing basic utilities, setting up web servers, configuring SSL certificates, and installing popular programming languages and runtime environments....

September 18, 2024 · 3 min

Site development

Last updated - 2024-09-05 ToDo ToDo Date ✅ Global images 2024-SEP-03 ✅ Tags 2024-SEP-04 ✅ Categories 2024-SEP-03 ✅ Google analytics 2024-SEP-05 ✅ Comment system - Integrating Giscus 2024-SEP-05 Adding global images Create images folder under content directory. Upload images under contents/images/ foldder Add images using the figure shortcode. e.g. {\{< figure src="/images/jerry.gif" alt="Jerry" width="200" align="center" >}} Adding tags and categories Edit your config.yaml or hugo.yaml and add a taxonomies section as given below,...

September 5, 2024 · 2 min